· Vocabulary - Grammar

Bên cạnh học cách phân biệt các từ rất dễ nhầm lẫn như UNLIKE, UNLIKELY, LIKE...IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn CÁCH DÙNG"BE NOT MUCH OF A../ BE MORE OF.." & "BE LESS OF..."



  • Be not much of a... là 1 idiom thường dùng để miêu tả "mình không giỏi việc gì đó", hoặc "không giống như là"

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

2. Less of: ít hơn mức độ mình tưởng tượng

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • There was less of a crowd where Rachel reached the beach than she had expected.
  • She smiled blandly at them and then proceeded to hurl what was more or less of a bombshell at them.
  • Getting there is less of a problem if you have a car.
  • It is less of a problem than I'd expected.

3. be more of something than something: là cái này hơn là cái kia

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • It was more of a holiday than a training exercise.
  • The role of the computer analysts may be more of facilitator than designer, helping to realise the users' wishes.
  •  Inside, the piers were massive and there were more of them than in examples further west. 
  • The boundaries of the study area are more of convenience than purely zoogeographical, because of the paucity of material from certain regions. 
  • To my eyes there was more of strength than refinement in the face ... 
  •  There are more of them than there are of us. 
  • Soon there will be more of us than there are of you. 
  • There were more of them than there used to be, he was sure of it. 
  • There was more of everything than there were people.

4. more​/​less​/​much of a something: dùng để mô tả tính chất của sự vật, sự việc

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • It was really more of a comment than a question. 
  • Jet travel has made moving from place to place less of an ordeal. 
  • Getting tickets for Tuesday shouldn’t be much of a problem.
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