Cách dùng danh từ "difference" tiếng anh

· Cách dùng từ

Bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 1 (map) về school library (kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng danh từ "difference" tiếng anh

I. "difference" vừa là danh từ đếm được, vừa không đếm được

II. Cách dùng

1. Mang nghĩa "sự khác nhau"

=something that makes one thing or person not the same as another thing or person


  • Với nghĩa này, difference vừa là danh từ đếm được, vừa không đếm được 
  • cultural/social/political differences
  • difference between
  • difference in
  • slight/subtle/minor differences
  • significant/marked/major difference
  • crucial/essential/fundamental difference

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • What’s the difference between these two computers?
  • There’s a big difference in the attitudes of town and country people.
  • There are subtle differences in their arrangement of the music.
  • it's easy to tell the difference between butter and margarine (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: rất dễ phân biệt bơ và macgarin)
  • the significant difference in sound quality between CDs and records
  • The fundamental difference between John and Jake is their attitudes to money.

2. Mang nghĩa "mức / sự chênh lệch, mức độ khác nhau"

=the amount by which one thing is different from another thing


  • Với nghĩa này, difference là danh từ để số ít 
  • difference of
  • age/price/temperature difference

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The same car costs £500 less here, which is quite a difference!
  • The winner received 2365 votes, and the runner-up 2348 – a difference of only 17 votes. 
  • Despite this age difference, they fell in love. 
  • There’s a world of difference between liking someone and wanting to marry them.

3. Mang nghĩa "bất đồng"

=disagreements about something


  • Với nghĩa này, difference là danh từ để số nhiều 
  • have your differences
  • resolve/settle your differences
  • irreconcilable differences (=disagreements that cannot be settled)

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • trying to smooth out differences between them 
  • Joe and I have had our differences, but we work well together.
  • settle your differences and be friends again (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: hãy giải quyết mối bất hoà giữa các bạn và trở lại làm bạn với nhau)
  • The two parties agreed to settle their differences.
  • Journalists were told the talks had broken down because of irreconcilable differences.

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